U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) is responsible for managing public lands, natural resources, national parks, and wildlife refuges. It further manages conservation efforts for threatened and endangered species and ecosystems. DOI also administers programs for Indian tribes, Native Alaskans, and Native Hawaiians. Through the DOI agencies listed below, programs and funding sources have been established, which can be accessed by communities when implementing compatibility solutions in collaboration with military installations. Like other federal departments, the DOI is increasingly focused on renewable energy, resilience, and climate change, which are among the greatest issues facing the military and local, state, and regional governments. The DOI also supports broad public engagement and partners with tribal nations, states, territories, local officials, advocates, the general public, private landowners and federal agencies to collectively solve complex problems. Given their mission and approach, communities and military installations should work with DOI and partner agencies and include them in compatibility planning efforts and implementation strategies.
Learn how the DOI's
Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service support compatible use.
Compatibility Factors relevant to the Department of the Interior: Air Quality, Biological Resources, Dust/Smoke/Steam, Land Use, Marine Environments, Scarce Natural Resources, Water Quality