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March 3, 2023 - Joint Base Andrews Welcomes New Honorary Commanders


​From the Joint Base Andrews 316th Wing Public Affairs Office

JBA welcomed 16 community and civic leaders into the 2023 Honorary Commanders Program during an induction ceremony at The Club at Andrews on March 2, 2023.

The JBA Honorary Commander Program has been in existence for almost 20 years to allow communication and partnerships between key leaders of the base and surrounding community.

Read more about the Honorary Commanders Program and induction ceremony. ​

April 4, 2023 - Association of Defense Communities Announce Defense Community Regional Forums

From the Association of Defense Communities 

Join the first-ever Maryland Defense Forum on June 5-6, 2023 In Annapolis, MD!

ADC’s Defense Community Regional Forums advance the conversations around military installation resiliency, infrastructure and policy with the ability to focus on local needs. These events dive deep into community and state-specific issues and will be an incredible way to connect with fellow leaders in the Maryland region.

This forum will be a special professional development opportunity for leaders from installations, defense communities and defense-related industries across the Old Line State. Representatives from military communities, installation officials and leaders from state government will meet in Annapolis to focus on resiliency, mutual support and coordination on issues specific to the mid-Atlantic region.

Learn more at

Fort George G. Meade Region named a 2023 Great American Defense Community

From the Association of Defense Communities 

The Great American Defense Communities (GADC) program shines a light on the regions and individuals that are making a difference. The program was designed to recognize and celebrate communities with an exceptional commitment to improving the lives of service members, veterans and their families. The Great American Defense Communities is made possible through ADC's partnership with USAA.

Read more about the Fort George G. Meade Region​ and why it was selected as one of the 2023 Great American Defense Communities. ​

April 2023 - Maryland Department of Natural Resources Announces Federal Funds Available for Outdoor Recreation Space Near Military Installations

From the Maryland Department of Natural Resources

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is now accepting preliminary applications for the recently announced Land and Water Conservation Fund and Readiness Environmental Protection Integration Challenge Program. The nationally competitive opportunity enables local governments to receive between $250,000 and $5 million in grant funding to conserve natural landscapes around military installations, in order to prevent development that could impact operational capabilities. 

Priority will be given to natural area preservation projects that increase outdoor recreational opportunities, sustain native wildlife and habitats, and guard against climate impacts and severe weather events. The project must be located within an active Readiness Environmental Protection Integration program area or where there is active interest in establishing one. Municipalities, counties, and state agencies are able to receive up to 100% of project costs from this grant opportunity.

Funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund program will be matched by the U.S. Department of Defense through the Readiness Environmental Protection Integration Challenge Program. Funding is provided only for acquisition, or for a combination of purchase and development of compatible recreation on the property. 

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is accepting applications through April 30, 2023.Interested jurisdictions should complete and submit project documentation to Andrew Mengel at

For more information, viist MD DNR's Land and Water Conservation Fund webpage

REPI Resilience Project Funding Guide Released

From the Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program Office - 

In March 2023, the REPI Office released the first-ever Resilience Project Funding Guide.  This guide serves as a one-stop shop for installations and partners to learn about more than 25 federal and non-federal resilience and conservation programs that can support existing or new REPI installation resilience projects.  The guide provides a program calendar on pages 3-4 featuring key application opening dates and deadlines across all programs.  To download the program calendar or learn more about program eligibility, visit [].

USNA, NSAA Release Installation Resiliency Plan

From the USNA News Center​

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – The U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) and Naval Support Activity Annapolis (NSAA) released its jointly developed installation resiliency plan, associated project portfolio, and phased execution plan, April 27, 2023. 

Completed in 2022 and in alignment with the Secretary of the Navy’s priorities, this plan provides an integrated adaptation framework, project portfolio, and year-to-year execution strategy that will mitigate the combined effects of land subsidence, sea level rise, ground-water change, coastal flooding/storm surge and inadequate stormwater management at the Naval Academy to the year 2100.

Read the full article and download the study​

Governor Moore Signs Largest Military Tax Cut For Younger Veterans In A Generation In Maryland and Legislation Furthering His Commitment To Strengthening Maryland’s Military and Honoring Our Veterans

From the Office of Governor Wes Moore: 

Published: 5/12/2023

​​​​​​​​​MIDDLE RIVER, MD — Governor Wes Moore today presided over the Moore-Miller Administration’s sixth bill signing at the Maryland Air National Guard’s 175th Wing in Middle River, signing the largest military tax cut for younger veterans in a generation and highlighting the administration’s commitment to strengthening the military and honoring veterans in Maryland. 

“We need to support our military community because they make our state better—whether they are active duty, reservists, or veterans,” said Gov. Moore. “For Maryland to win this decade, we need to make Maryland the best state in the nation to serve in uniform and the best state in the nation to live after discharge. The legislation I signed today sets us on that path, and shows our commitment to bettering the lives of our men and women that have sacrificed so much.”

Governor Wes Moore in air force hanger

"Serving in our Armed Forces is one of the most courageous and selfless decisions a citizen of this country can make and we have a profound responsibility to them and their families when they return home to civilian life,” ​said Lt. Gov. Miller. “Through this legislation, the Moore-Miller administration is taking an unprecedented effort to help our veterans build their careers and their lives here in Maryland.”

Governor Moore also administered the Maryland National Guard’s Oath of Enlistment to Zion Rawls. Rawls is a Harford County resident who will serve as an aviation resource manager for the Maryland Air National Guard.

Governor Wes Moore administrating Oath of Enlistment

Today is also Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Governor Moore presented the bill signing’s first pen to Senator Dawn Gile (MD-District 33), whose husband, Army Sergeant Major D.J. Gile, recently retired after serving in the military for 24 years.

Included among Governor Moore’s champion pieces of legislation signed today are:

H.B. 554/S.B. 553, Keep Our Heroes Home Act, increases the military retirement income tax exemption for veterans, spouses, or anyone receiving military pensions in Maryland. The exemption will be increased from $5,000 to $12,500 for individuals under the age of 55 and from $15,000 to $20,000 for individuals over the age of 55. 

H.B. 553/S.B. 554: Health Care for Heroes Act of 2023, establishes the Tricare Premium Reimbursement Program within the Maryland Military Department. The program will provide members of the Maryland National Guard who utilize the DoD-provided Tricare Reserve Select health care plan and the Tricare Dental Program up to $60 in reimbursements monthly to cover the costs of premiums. This $60 is enough to cover the full individual costs for health care and dental care.

Gov Wes Moore Signing SB 553.jpg

H.B. 480/S.B. 286: Department of Veterans Affairs - Burial in State Veterans' Cemeteries - Spouses and Dependents, requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to bury the eligible spouse or dependent of a veteran in a State veterans' cemetery without charge.

H.B. 316/S.B. 354: Income Tax Checkoff - Maryland Veterans Trust Fund, establishes a certain income tax checkoff for voluntary contributions to the Maryland Veterans Trust Fun​d. This legislation also requires the Comptroller to include certain information in each individual income tax return package.

H.B. 1162: Study on the Utilization of the Expedited Licensing Process for Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses, requires the Maryland Department of Labor, in consultation with the Department of Veterans Affairs, to conduct a study on the utilization of the expedited licensing process for service members, veterans, and military spouses for certain occupational and professional licenses in the State. This legislation requires the Maryland Department of Labor, in consultation with the Department of Veterans Affairs, to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by June 30, 2024.

H.B. 726/S.B. 231: Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Autism Waiver - Military Families, requires, unless the child's family requests that the child be removed, that a child on the registry for the Autism waiver remain on the registry if the child's family relocates out of the State for military service. If a child on the registry for the Autism waiver becomes eligible for services while the child's family is out of the State for military service, the child shall be eligible for services through the waiver if the family relocates to the State.

New! Fort Meade Strengthens Community Bond with Community Covenant Signing

The Fort Meade Community Covenant Council signed the 2023 Community Covenant on August 24, 2023.
The Fort Meade Community Covenant Council was established in 2011 and represents a formal partnership that brings together federal, state, and local elected officials, regional business organizations and private businesses, the state's veterans affairs and economic development offices, and local economic and workforce development organizations to support Fort Meade and its surrounding communities. The council operates through the signing of a covenant agreement that takes place once a new garrison commander assumes command of Fort Meade. The council recognizes the great potential for beneficial partnerships, initiatives, programs, and events that connect communities and enhance the overall well-being of the entire Fort Meade region. 


October 16, 2024 - Federal Funding Supports Military Installation Resilience in Maryland

BALTIMORE, MD (October 16, 2024) — The Maryland Department of Commerce has received a $1.06 million federal grant to launch the Resilient Maryland Defense Communities program. The program, funded through the U.S. Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation, aims to help the state and communities partner with local military installations and departments to support the long-term viability of military installations. Maryland will partner with the military, local defense communities, and various state agencies driving resilience planning in the state, including the Maryland Department of Emergency Management Office of Resilience and the Maryland Department of Planning, who will play key supporting roles in this project.


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