National Park Service (NPS) has partnerships and programs in place that communities, state governments, and military installations can leverage to help implement Compatible Use Study (CUS) recommendations. While many do not offer financial assistance or grants, they can provide professional assistance from NPS employees to help communities develop and implement conservation programs and restore parks, rivers, and wildlife habitats. Including an NPS professional as a stakeholder when developing a CUS is a great way to improve its quality and comprehensiveness and obtain free in-kind services. The
NPS Partnershipsweb page has information about partnering opportunities, including how to apply for technical assistance. The NPS program, summarized below, has funds and grant money available for community scale projects that help implement CUS recommendations.
Compatibility Factors relevant to the National Park Service: Air Quality, Biological Resources, Land Use, Land/Air/Sea Spaces, Scarce Natural Resources, Water Quality/Quantity
Relevant Programs and Plans
The Land
and Water Conservation Fund invests revenues from offshore
oil and gas leases to help strengthen communities, preserve national history,
and protect the nation's lands and waters. The Land and Water Conservation
Fund (LWCF) was originally established by Congress in 1964 to safeguard
natural areas, water resources, and cultural heritage sites, and provide
recreation opportunities for all Americans. The LWCF program includes grants
state and local governments and a
federal program that can be used to acquire properties to achieve the
natural, cultural, wildlife, and recreation management objectives of federal
land management agencies.