Resilience Planning "Inside the Fence"

Military installation resilience refers to the capability of a military installation to avoid, prepare for, minimize the effect of, adapt to, and recover from anticipated or unanticipated impacts from natural or man-made resiliency threats that do, or have the potential to, adversely affect the installation. This capability is inclusive of functions or operations outside the military installation that are necessary to maintain, improve, or rapidly reestablish installation mission assurance and mission-essential functions (e.g., transportation, logistical, or other necessary resources).

The DoD and the Military Services have developed noteworthy resources to help installation personnel understand the hazards and impacts climate factors pose to installation operations, infrastructure, and facilities. In accordance with Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 2-100-01, Installation Master Planning, and other DoD guidance, Master Development Planners for the Military Services are directed to consider climate change when developing master plans and projects. On April 8, 2022, UFC master planning guidance was updated to include requirements for transportation and military installation resilience components, as required by 10 USC 2864, and includes tools to incorporate climate change effects into installation master plans, as required by the FY20 National Defense Authorization Act.

Additional DoD and Military Service climate adaptation planning guidance to further installation resilience is found in the following documents: