
​The compatible use website provides resources and informative tools that state and local leaders, planners, military communities, and the general public can access for compatible use planning and coordination.

This website:

  • Provides the military and communities in Maryland with an overview of and ready to use resources for compatible use, including communication and coordination guidance, best practices, and support for promoting compatible development in their communities and regions.
  • Supports strategies by which military installations can better understand and consider the impact that their operations have on neighboring jurisdictions, and
  • Recognizes the economic impact from Maryland's military installations and encourages a coordinated approach to support military operations and compatible land use between military installations and their surrounding communities.

Mission Statement

The military installations in Maryland are of significant value to local economies and are interdependent with their host communities. Collaboration and joint planning among military installations, neighboring communities, and agencies protect the long-term viability of existing and future military missions. Working together enhances the health of local economies, industries, and communities.

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